Conditions Treated
Issues Treated
Women’s Health
Acupuncture and herbal medicine are excellent at regulating hormones and relieving issues such as painful periods due to hormonal imbalance, fibroids or endometriosis, irregular periods, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), infertility, and the side effects of peri-menopause (think hot flashes, insomnia, and other undesirable changes).

Emotional Health
Acupuncture has been found to be clinically effective at relieving stress (a big contributor to five of the top leading causes of death in adults in the U.S.) and regulating anxiety and depression.
Metabolic Health
Acupuncture can help in lowering blood glucose and A1c levels, regulating thyroid hormones, and improving digestive complaints. It’s also a clutch player in assisting with a range of autoimmune concerns including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Lyme, lupus, and fibromyalgia.
Musculoskeletal Pain
Got pain? Acupuncture can help without the use of medication or side effects. In fact, in numerous studies acupuncture has been found to be more effective at controlling back pain than surgery. Whether you’re a marathoner, lift heavy weights or ride your desk, I can help.